On this page, you will find information regarding beneficiaries of cellphone donations in the educational social charity program of Surya Widya Kerthi Foundation. As planned, the cellphone donations have been distributed throughout Indonesia and targeting children in financially disadvantaged families. The number of cellphones that have been handed over between 2020 and September 2021 is 10 units. This number, concerning the plan’s target of 100 cellphones, indicates a hindrance. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has forced activities to pause for some time. However, the foundation team is working on their best and hoping to manage donation activities in the near future.
Furthermore, how do we determine the beneficiaries of the cellphone donation? First, we contact the teachers working in the target area. Because the teacher is the party who best knows the condition of the students. Then, at the time of handing over the cellphone, there is always a home visit. Not merely coordinating with the teachers, for instance at the time of handing over the cellphone in Seraya, Karangasem, Bali, we also collaborated with a local social organization that also works in alleviating poverty programs.
You may click some pictures to learn more about the beneficiaries (linked to CIRHSS website).
Ni Kadek Suantari – 6th-grader in Gerokgak, Buleleng, BaliNi Putu Novi Trisna D. – 6th-grader in Gerokgak, Buleleng, Bali Vicky Herianto Homo – 8th-grader in Merauke, Papua (Click the picture to learn more) Blasius Melo Basik Basik – 5th-grader in Merauke, Papua (Click the picture to learn more)Ni Kadek Marsanda Dewi – 6th-grader in Jembrana, BaliNi Ketut Ayu Setyawati – 6th-grader in Jembrana, Bali Pepi Rina Jaliana – 6th-grader in Bengkulu, Sumatera (Click the picture to learn more) Ni Luh Apriliani – 6th-grader in Seraya, Karangasem, Bali (Click the picture to learn more) Putu Darma Yadnya – 5th-grader in Pacung, Tejakula, Bali (Click the picture to learn more) Putu Widi Adnyana – 6th-grader in Pacung, Tejakula, Bali (Click the picture to learn more)
The 100 cell phone donation program to help disadvantaged children learn in the midst of the pandemic from the Surya Widya Kerthi Foundation owned by SPG Negeri Denpasar alumni fellowship, initiated by Prof. Wayan Arka was delayed in 2021, considering the Covid 19 pandemic situation that has not yet ended.
When the situation allowed, before the implementation of the community activity and mobility restriction (PPKM), on June 17, 2021, the Surya Widya Kerthi Foundation team decided to continue this activity so that the hiatus would not be too long. Our targets this time were disadvantaged students in the Pacung area, Tejakula District, Buleleng Regency, Bali.
The splendor of Ponjok Batu Temple in Tejakula, Buleleng, Bali
The event began with praying together at Ponjok Batu Temple and social service through the delivery of basic needs to the priests and custodians of Ponjok Batu Temple.
Surya Widya Kerthi Foundation team prayed together at Ponjok Batu Temple
A group picture of the Surya Widya Kerthi Foundation team at Ponjok Batu Temple
Social service through the delivery of basic needs to the Ponjok Batu Temple priests and custodians.
The next agenda was the handover of a cellphone to the 6th-grade student named Putu Widi Adnyana who studies at SDN No. 3 Pacung, Tejakula District, Buleleng Regency. His father worked as a sharecropper farmer.
The handover of a cellphone to the student named Putu Widi by the treasurer of the foundation, 1 unit of this cellphone was a donation from Doctor Made Sudarma, a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of Udayana
The other student who received a cell phone for his online learning was a 5th-grade student named Putu Darma Yadnya who attended SDN No. 3 Pacung, Tejakula District, Buleleng Regency. Similar to Putu Widi’s father, Putu Darma’s father is also a sharecropper farmer and has received house renovation assistance from the government.
The handover of a cellphone to the student named Putu Darma by the foundation supervisor accompanied by the Principal of SDN No. 3 Pacung.
On this auspicious occasion, the foundation team also handed over second-hand decent clothes to the local communities in need.
Delivery of second-hand decent clothes for local communities in need
The last activity of the day was a home visit to the house of one of the students who received the cellphone donation. This was done to check and ensure that the donation was really on target. The student’s parents are indeed financially disadvantaged, but their child is diligent and an achiever. Considering that this is still in the pandemic period, All activities were carried out with a very strict health protocol.
Home visit to Putu Darma’s house, one of the students who received the cellphone donation. In the photo, (left-right) Putu Widi’s father, Putu Widi, Putu Darma, Putu Darma’s father and motherPutu Darma had a video call with Prof. Arka accompanied by the Foundation Chairman and administratorsOne corner at Putu Darma’s house
You can make donations via :
Indonesian bank transfer (BNI bank) – 0910131133 Holder name: I Wayan Mastaadhi, Sagung Raka Suartini, dan Ni Made Armini
PayPal : nimadearmini1962@gmail.com Or click the button below to go to our PayPal.me link.